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EWA-BELT presented at the Arusha Conservation Agriculture Forum (ACAF)

Updated: May 10, 2024

Main theme was Agro-ecology concept exploration, held at Arusha Christian Center in Arusha region, Northen Tanzania

On August 26th 2022, two researchers (Michael Justine and Maria Margwe) from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI Selian Center) under EWA-BELT project had a one-day opportunity to participate Arusha Conservation Agriculture Forum (ACAF) organized by Iles de Paix (IDP) in Arusha to discuss and share different ideas on Agro-ecology concept. Key objective of the forum was explore and clearly understand concept of suistanable agriculture in order to develop a common understanding, under this objective different stakeholders were able to discuss on agro-ecology, agroforesty, organic farming, permaculture, conservation agriculture, regerative agriculture and climate smart agriculture (CSA). Also to display different technologies that are environmental friendly, TARI were able to display and train farmers and other beneficiers on vermi-compost technology and different organic mulches with their benefits. ACAF as an agriculture platform create an opportunity to different NGOs, startup agriculture business, policy makers, local goervnment, extension officers, researchers and scientist to sit together and discuss various issues on practicing agriculture-business without increasing environmental pollution, soil pollution or risk human health. This forum is normally hosted after every 3-4 month in a year.

In concluding, farmers and other stakeholders adviced to expand farming without affecting ecosystem (nature) because health has a value more than gold, and each one must protect the other/end user.

Farmers listening to TARI researcher explaining on use of vermicompost technology

Farmers and other stakeholders reflecting on the discussed issues of Agro-ecology concept.

Participants of ACAF (2022) take a group photo.

A researcher explain to afarmer about organic mulches



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